Windows System Administration

System Management

Display detailed system configuration information.

> systeminfo

Display the current Windows version.

> ver

List running processes details.

> tasklist

Forcefully terminate a running process.

> taskkill /F /IM process_name

Display current user information.

> whoami

Open the System Information utility.

> msinfo32

List installed device drivers details.

> driverquery

File System and Navigation

List files and directories in the current directory.

> dir

Change to the specified directory.

> cd directory_name

Go back to the parent directory.

> cd ..

Change to the root directory.

> cd /

Create a new directory with the specified name.

> mkdir directory_name

Remove an empty directory.

> rmdir directory_name

Copy files or directories.

> copy source destination

Move (rename) files or directories.

> move source destination

Network Commands

Display IP Configuration.

> ipconfig

Display Network Statistics.

> netstat

Query DNS for Information.

> nslookup

Display or Modify the ARP Cache.

> arp

Display or Modify the Routing Table.

> route

Connect to a Remote Host.

> telnet

Power and System Utilities

Shutdown the computer immediately.

> shutdown /s /f /t 0

Restart the computer immediately.

> shutdown /r /f /t 0

Configure power settings.

> powercfg

Create, delete, configure scheduled tasks.

> schtasks

Manage Boot Configuration Data.

> bcdedit

Disk Partitioning Tool.

> diskpart

File Manipulation

Delete a file.

> del filename

Rename a file.

> ren old_filename new_filename

Display the content of a file.

> type filename

Create a new file with specified content.

> echo content > filename

User and Group Management

User Accounts

Display or modify user accounts.

> net user

Add a new user account.

> net user [username] [password] /add

Delete a user account.

> net user [username] /delete

Add user to local administrators.

> net localgroup administrators /add [username]

Remove user from local administrators.

> net localgroup administrators /delete [username]

Display account policies.

> net accounts

Security and Permissions

Display or modify ACLs.

> cacls

Display or modify ACLs (enhanced).

> icacls

Encrypt or decrypt files/folders.

> cipher

Take ownership of files/folders.

> takeown

Grant specific permissions.

> icacls [path] /grant [user:permission]

Deny specific permissions.

> icacls [path] /deny [user:permission]

Remove user's permissions.

> icacls [path] /remove [user]

Scan and repair system files.

> sfc /scannow

System Information

Detailed system configuration information.

> systeminfo

Display current Windows version.

> ver

List running processes details.

> tasklist

Terminate a running process.

> taskkill

Display current user information.

> whoami

Retrieve system boot time.

> systeminfo

Open System Information utility.

> msinfo32

List installed device drivers details.

> driverquery

System Utilities

Check disk for errors.

> chkdsk

System File Checker.

> sfc

Update Group Policy.

> gpupdate

Shutdown or restart the computer.

> shutdown

Configure power settings.

> powercfg

Create, delete, configure scheduled tasks.

> schtasks

Manage Boot Configuration Data.

> bcdedit

Disk Partitioning Tool.

> diskpart

Command Prompt Management

Clear the command prompt screen.

> cls

Display messages or enable/disable echoing.

> echo

Display output one screen at a time.

> more

Display the content of a file.

> type

Turn off command echoing.

> echo off

Turn on command echoing.

> echo on

Change console color attributes.

> color

Configure system devices and ports.

> mode

File and Directory Operations

File Operations

Delete a file.

> del filename

Rename a file.

> ren old_filename new_filename

Copy files or directories.

> copy source destination

Move (rename) files or directories.

> move source destination

Display the content of a file.

> type filename

Create a new file with specified content.

> echo content > filename

Copy files and directories with extended options.

> xcopy source destination /E

Robust File Copy - Mirror a directory structure.

> robocopy source destination /MIR

Disk and Storage Management

Check and fix disk errors.

> chkdsk /f

Optimize and defragment disks.

> defrag

Format a disk with a specified file system.

> format drive_letter: /FS:filesystem

Interactive disk partitioning tool.

> diskpart

Open Disk Management utility.

> diskmgmt.msc

Retrieve information about logical disks using WMIC.

> wmic logicaldisk get size,freespace,caption

Network Commands

Display detailed IP configuration for all interfaces.

> ipconfig /all

Display all active network connections and listening ports.

> netstat -ano

Perform DNS lookup for a domain.

> nslookup domain_name

Test network connectivity to a destination.

> ping destination

Trace the route to a destination.

> tracert destination

Display NetBIOS information for a remote computer.

> nbtstat -a remote_computer_name

Display information about network interfaces.

> netsh interface show interface

Display the routing table.

> route print

Task Scheduler

Create, delete, configure scheduled tasks.

> schtasks

Schedule commands and programs.

> at

Delay execution for a specified time.

> timeout /T seconds

Display a list of tasks.

> schtasks /query

Run a scheduled task immediately.

> schtasks /run

End a running task.

> schtasks /end

Delete a scheduled task.

> schtasks /delete

Change properties of a task.

> schtasks /change

Registry Editor

Open the Registry Editor.

> regedit

Add a new registry entry.

> reg add key_path /v value_name /t data_type /d data

Delete a registry entry.

> reg delete key_path /v value_name

Query registry for information.

> reg query key_path

Export a registry key and its values to a file.

> reg export key_path file.reg

Import registry entries from a file.

> reg import file.reg

Force an immediate update of Group Policy.

> gpupdate /force